In this legendary 1970 edition of current affairs show Gallery, interviewer Brian Edwards solves a long-running industrial dispute. Post Office workers had imposed a go-slow after wage negotiations broke down. Producer Des Monaghan managed to get Postmaster General Allan McCready and Ivan Reddish of the Post Office Association union into the studio together. In the interview’s final minutes, Edwards negotiated an agreement between the two men to stop union action, and go back into mediation. The night won Edwards a Feltex Award for 'Best Performance as Frontman'. He recalls the dispute here.
...the chicken and the egg phenomenon, with government refusing to talk until the Post Office Association called off the go-slow and the Post Office Association refusing to call off the go-slow until government agreed to talk, was, at this level of industrial relations, nothing less than infantile.– Brian Edwards in his 1971 book The Public Eye
NZ Broadcasting Corporation
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