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The team responsible for NZ On Screen includes:

  • Stephanie Hopkins – Executive Director
  • Leanda Borrett – Content Director
  • Ian Pryor – Web Editor
  • Jude McLaren – Rights and Sourcing Executive
  • Erin Murphy – Video Editor/Digitiser
  • Alice Casserly – Publicity and Marketing Manager
  • Rosie Howells – Writer
  • Alexandra Paterson – Writer/Editorial Assistant
  • Hollie Cullen – Marketing Executive

Previous team members:

Alex Backhouse, Kim Baker, Kylie Buck, Tess Bullen, Fran Carney, Janine Faulknor, Tom Field, Irene Gardiner, Gemma Gracewood, Sarah Harpur, Natasha Harris, Nicky Harrop, Veronica Harwood-Stevenson, Morgan Hopkins, Sarah Jane Miller, James Kirkus-Lamont, Brenda Leeuwenberg, Clare O’Leary, Imogen Porter, Jason Post, Michael Potton, Zara Potts, Kathryn Quirk, David Riley, Simon Smith, Tom Tremewan, Paul Stanley Ward, Lorna Subritzky, Clarion Wells.

Thanks to NZ On Screen's many contributors. We are very grateful for their time, energy and inspiration.

These include:

Keith Aberdein
Monika Ahuriri
Mark Amery
Philip Bell
Catherine Bisley
Angela Bloomfield
Alun Bollinger
Costa Botes
Chris Bourke
Greg Broadmore
Russell Brown
Judy Callingham
Fran Carney
Paul Casserly
James Coleman
Dominic Corry
Doug Coutts
Dave Cull
Rachel Davies
Rick Davies
Paul Diamond
Roger Donaldson
Mary-Jane Duffy
Matt Elliott
Lucy Elwood
Toa Fraser
Roger Gascoigne
David Geary
Maurice Gee
Glenis Giles
Chris Gilman
Leonardo Guerchmann
Jason Gunn
Hashbang (Hamish Evans, John Gonzales, Charlotte Hinton and team)
Ruth Harley
Fiona Hawtin
Miranda Harcourt
Peter Hayden
Joseph Hendren
Anahera Higgins
Michael Higgins
Julie Hill
Tony Hiles
Roger Horrocks
Owen Hughes
Helen Jamieson
Catherine Juniot
Debra Kelleher
Philip Kelly
Oscar Kightley
Richard King
Steve La Hood
Geoff Lealand
Harry Lyon
Toby Manhire
Debbie Martin
Gabe McDonnell
John Milligan
Barney McDonald
Lissa Mitchell
Edie Moke
Christopher Moor
Danny Mulheron
Ian Mune
Geoff Murphy
Mihi Murray
Whai Ngata
Karen Nobes
Duncan Petrie
Jock Phillips
Simon Prast
Gareth Price (and the Springload team)
Chris Pugsley
Keith Quinn
Maraea Rakuraku
Claire Regnault
Nevak Rogers
Robin Scholes
Roger Shepherd
Teresa Shreves
Burton Silver

Annie Simon
Blake Smith
Jo Smith
Steven Shaw
Clive Sowry
Tainui Stephens
Keith Tannock
Marlene Thies
Makerita Urale
Juliette Veber
Philip Wakefield
Tim Watkin
Andrew Whiteside
Tony Williams
Susan Wood
Jane Wrightson
Paula Yeoman
Eric Young
Bianca Zander