South Pacific Pictures marked its 30th anniversary in 2018. With drama production at its core, this collection highlights the production company’s prodigious output. The collection spans everything from Marlin Bay to Westside — including hit movies Sione's Wedding and Whale Rider — plus the long-running and beloved Shortland Street. In the backgrounder, longtime SPP boss John Barnett reminisces, and charts the company’s history.
Television, 1992–ongoing
Television, 2005 (Full Length Episode)
Interview, 2013
Film, 2006 (Trailer and Excerpts)
Television, 1994 (Excerpts)
Television, 1999 (Excerpts)
Television, 2009 (Excerpts)
Television, 2014 (Excerpts)
Television, 2011 (Excerpts)
Interview, 2016
Film, 2002 (Trailer and Excerpts)
Television, 2003 (Excerpts)
Television, 2011 (Excerpts)
Television, 2001–2002
Television, 1994
Television, 2015 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2001–2005
Television, 1996 (Excerpts)
Television, 2001 (Excerpts)
Television, 2005 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2005 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 1999 (Excerpts)
Film, 1991 (Excerpts)
Film, 1999 (Trailer and Excerpts)
Film, 2011 (Trailer, Excerpts, and Extras)
Television, 2014 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 1989 (Excerpts)
Television, 1990 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 1990 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 1993 (Full Length Episode)
Film, 2012 (Trailer, Excerpts, and Extras)
Film, 1991 (Excerpts)
Film, 2000 (Trailer and Excerpts)
Film, 2013 (Trailer and Excerpts)
Television, 2010 (Excerpts)
Television, 2013 (Excerpts)
Television, 2019 (Full Length Episode)
Web, 2019 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 1990 (Full Length Episode)
Film, 2007 (Trailer and Excerpts)
Television, 2012 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2019 (Excerpts)
Television, 2011 (Excerpts)
Television, 2010 (Excerpts)
Interview, 2009
Interview, 2011
Interview, 2016
Interview, 2014
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