Chelsie Preston Crayford tells a story close to her heart for her second self-written and directed short film. Ra (played by Preston Crayford) has only just separated from the father of her toddler Marama (played by Preston Crayford's daughter, Olive). The film charts two days in her family's life. Ra, battling a constant fog of sleep deprivation, attends to her daughter's needs and negotiates with her ex, while painfully charting a new course as a single parent. The intimate story was shot by Preston Crayford's ex-partner, cinematographer Raymond Edwards.
It gives voice to an experience that I know is common but isn’t often depicted. There’s a break-up, and then spending days with a toddler, which can be a lot of things at the same time — it can be joyous, and it can be relentless.– Actor and writer Chelsie Preston Crayford talks about her film Falling Up
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