This straight-faced parody marks a sequel to a movie that never was. Alongside Abby Walker, co-creators Andrew Todd and Johnny Hall had the idea for a terrifying shark spirit that can attack via any form of water (e.g. steam). The duo took so long to edit the result, an American cable TV film unleashed a Ghost Shark before them. In excerpt one, the mayor of Auckland argues about impending disaster with gruff hero Tom Logan (played by Hall), and a group of friends fail to heed the warnings. Then Tom punches himself in the face and has a weepy flashback, before cameos by Rachel Smalley and David Farrier.
...everyone will die!– Tom Logan (Johnny Hall) makes clear the seriousness of the ghost shark situation
Original soundtrack available on Bandcamp
Closing credits song 'Forever and a Day' written by Andrew Todd and Johnny Hall, and performed by Secret Adventures (featuring Johnny Hall and Kathleen Burns)
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