In this episode of documentary series Heartland, host Gary McCormick explores the famous (and occasionally infamous) Otago University. Fully immersing himself in student life, he attends lectures, science labs, flat warming parties, poetry nights and theatre rehearsals — to name a few of his activities! McCormick's relaxed interview style encourages open and interesting chats with students, professors and Dunedin locals alike, the latter of which have differing opinions on the recent student boom. The episode takes in such university institutions as Radio One, the capping revue comedy show and graduation day.
... it's hormone city, yeah. It's incredible, the amount of people who sort of just suddenly realise that they have bits of them that haven't been used much before.– Future comedian Jeremy Elwood (then an Otago University theatre student) on the love lives of first year students
Anson Grieve Productions
Anson Grieve Productions
Made with funding from NZ On Air
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