Joining the 1980s boom of childrens adventure stories, Steel Riders follows a group of underdog kids embroiled in a mysterious robbery. The eight-part series was consolidated into these twin TV movies, which offer everything you'd expect from the genre — a BMX gang, cursed artefacts, a masked villain on a motorbike, and plenty of bass guitar lines to indicate trouble is afoot. Aided by a gang of BMX-riding boys, Sandra battles a mysterious criminal mastermind and his helmet-clad henchman The Spook. Writer Ken Catran has scripted many kids TV dramas, including Children of the Dog Star and horse tale Star Runner.
Dear police. If you read this, punch in the last three letters of your access code to find out about the emeralds.– Sandra (Josie Vendramini) leaves a message to the police on the home computer
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