Starting in the late 1980s, Matt Elliott was a pioneering Kiwi stand-up comedian. He has gone on to write 1997 book Kiwi Jokers: The Rise and Rise of New Zealand Comedy and a 2009 bio of Billy T James. In this interview, the topics include:
- Growing up listening to comedy records at the library for 50 cents a time — and how David Lange being a family friend influenced his sense of humour
- Doing early comedy shows at Auckland's Abby’s bar and the "mindblowing" Gluepot
- Moving to Australia, and learning from their more developed stand-up comedy scene
- Running comedy workshops back in New Zealand, and his mixed experiences trying to get comedy on the radio
- Interviewing dozens of Kiwi talents for his books on New Zealand comedy and Billy T James
- The life and work of unsung Kiwi-born comedy writer Ted Kavanagh
This interview was recorded for 2019 TV series
Funny As: The Story of New Zealand Comedy.
All audiovisual content is copyright to
Augusto, and may not be reproduced. Publication of
Funny As
extended interviews made possible with funding from the
NZ Lotteries Grants Board.