Gary Stalker has performed many roles in his screen career, but is most prolifically an actor and producer. Stalker first appeared on New Zealand screens in the 1980s; he was a drunkard who threatens the heroine in Mr Wrong, and played writer Frank Sargeson in an episode of Epitaph. He also has producing, editing and camera credits under his belt — including producing and co-directing 1997 drag queen documentary Screen Queen in Australia. Stalker was a partner at Auckland's Afterglow Films. The post-production house produced graphics, opening sequences for TV shows, and commercials. Stalker is also an established playwright.
Ghost Trees is a masterful piece of storytelling essentially about grief and loss. But rather than being mawkishly sentimental, in the hands of the talented and intelligent Gary Stalker, it is a generous invitation to us all to consider our own sense of being and our connection to the natural world. Writer Brett Adam, in a review for Gary Stalker's play Ghost Trees, Theatreview website, 29 October 2022
2012, As: Reg Shoen - Television
2000, As: Frank Sargeson - Television
2019, As: Brent Pender - Television
1989, As: Nurse-romancing soldier - Commercial
1986, As: Mike Warren - Television
1985, As: Krefts - Television
1985, As: Bruce (Samantha's ex) - Film
1985, As: Gus - Television
1984, As: Black Magnet Leader - Television
1984, Subject - Television
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