Sandy Houston's career in animation and visual effects has involved 70 plus movie projects — including animated classic Watership Down, visual effects landmark Jurassic Park, and Oscar-winners The Return of the King and King Kong. Along the way she has been on hand to watch computers become key tools in creating screen illusion.
Something new gets developed, and you can do something completely different —something that you haven't seen before. We get excited working on it, so we know the audience is just going to be blown away. Sandy Houston, on the excitement of working with new visual effects techniques
Interview, 2017
2013, Visual Effects - Rotoscoping Supervisor - Film
2012, Visual Effects - Rotoscoping Supervisor - Film
2009, Visual Effects - Rotoscoping Supervisor - Film
2005, Visual Effects - Paint and Rotoscoping Co-Supervisor - Film
2003, Visual Effects - Paint and Rotoscoping Supervisor - Film
1996, Visual Effects - Film
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