In this excerpt from the prime time character comedy series devised and performed by the Topp Twins, Camp Mother (Lynda Topp) and Camp Leader (Jools Topp) lead a hearty ode to their Waikato homeland, its river, its traditional waka and the local marae — Tūrangawaewae. Meanwhile best buddies Ken Moller and Ken Smythe (Lynda and Jools playing Kiwi blokes) jump in an ancient Commer van, hot in pursuit of Ken's crush, the elusive Camp Mother. The Commer conks out, irritating 'townie' Ken Smythe, who advises his mate to get a four-wheel drive.
You need a decent vehicle Ken, a four-wheel drive or something like that. Stuck in the middle of nowhere, now...– 'Townie' Ken Smythe (Jools Topp) berates his farmer mate Ken (Lynda Topp)
Henhouse Productions
Henhouse Productions
Made with funding from NZ On Air
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