Do you believe in strong leadership mate? Because I'm going to come down there and give you some shortly so watch yourself.– Bob Jones, to a heckler
It's true we're greedy, and why not? We're greedy for a better nation, we're tired of second best ... this is not Haiti.– Jones speaks the New Zealand Party creed
Oh Christ, we haven't done industrial relations, and we must!– Jones amidst the headiness of creating policy on the fly
They'll make no significant impact, in my view, on the results.– Rob Muldoon on the New Zealand Party
Many came for entertainment, [but] few showed deep electoral commitment. Jones drank heavily from this well of illusory support and who could blame him...– From the narration, on the crowds that Jones attracted
There’s no way that Lange can stay there more than three years unless he just turns into a right wing, laissez-faire sort of capitalist…– Bob Jones predicts the future
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