This animated TV comedy series follows five kids growing up in a grungy Auckland suburb. With a fearless, un-PC wit and Simpsons-esque celebrity cameos, it managed to be prime time and (mostly) family-friendly. Producer Elizabeth Mitchell got the idea for the show after witnessing the brazen, poly-saturated comedy of theatre group The Naked Samoans. During five seasons on TV3, it won three Best Comedy gongs at the NZ Screen Awards, and a Qantas Award for Ant Sang's production design. Naked Samoan David Fane relives the bro'Town story here, as does writer Rachel Davies.
Television, 2009 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2004 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2005 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2006 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2005 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2004 (Full Length Episode)
Firehorse Films
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