Part one of five from this full length television programme.
Part two of five from this full length television programme.
Part three of five from this full length television programme.
Part four of five from this full length television programme.
Part five of five from this full length television programme.
I think for Pacific Island women they’d probably get the shock of their lives that I was single at the age of 30 without a child, but I don’t think that they’d ever presume that I’d have a degree, let alone three degrees.– Emily Mafile'o
In the Palagi world going flatting is standard, but not for an unmarried Samoan woman.– From the narration
In the end we may lose the language, we may lose the culture. We’ve immersed so much in New Zealand society...– Lanni Liuvaie
Suddenly all the things my parents would talk about made sense…– Louise Tu’u on visiting Samoa for the first time
It was when I was 20, I kind of came to the realisation that here I am doing a Bachelor of Arts in German and Italian, of which I’m of neither descent, and my Italian’s way better than my Samoan…– Louise Tu’u
I understand the value of culture, the sacrifice that not just my father, but his father, had to make so I could graduate with a certificate that has worked wonders for my life today, without a doubt.– Emily Mafile'o
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