Part one of a four part thriller written by Keith Aberdein. In a small North Island town, a mysterious unmarked grave is believed to hold the remains of a tohunga who died ridding his people of a deadly epidemic. Now, an archaeological dig might be getting too close to that grave. A visiting doctor (Cathy Downes) arrives in town to find the locals in a state of agitation; the archaelogist (Martyn Sanderson) full of good intentions, but unaware of where his actions could lead; and relations between Māori and Pakeha strained as two cultures struggle to co-exist.
Here, it seemed was a major piece of New Zealand produced bi-lingual entertainment, modestly labelled as a thriller but dominated by things Maori, not merely in performance but in substance and in thought – a ground breaker in that respect.– Hal Smith, Letter to the Editor - NZ Listener, 16 October 1976
NZ On Screen acknowledges the talent and creatives for allowing NZ On Screen to reproduce this title on this website.
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