Former National Party MP Paula Bennett hosts this reboot of the classic charades game show. Bennett is joined by two team captains, comedian Tom Sainsbury and journalist Hilary Barry, as they engage in a riotous round of charades. In this excerpt from the fifth episode, Hillary is accompanied by a lineup of Kiwi personalities, including Lotto presenter Sonia Gray, Ginette McDonald (Lynn of Tawa), and singer Joe Cotton. Hilary tries to guess the charade as her team takes to the stage, attempting to act out prompts from "hiccups" to "hippies". Tom and Hilary’s scores are tallied up, revealing how they each fared.
...Tom's team showed us just what a bunch of show offs they can be, and earned themselves 15 points. Now it's Hilary’s turn.– Host, Paula Bennet summarises the state of play
Based on the Give Us a Clue format devised by Vince Powell and Juliet Grimm
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