Award-winning web series High Road follows the travails of Terry Huffer (Mark Mitchinson), an ex-rocker washed up in Piha where he DJs from a caravan. This third season opener heads back in time to London, to tell Huffer’s origin story: tracking a big night at a pub and what follows — a confrontation with his Oscar-winning sister, actor Emma Thompson (played by Emma Thompson), and her actor husband Greg Wise (playing Greg Wise). A fed up Thompson drops some choice swear words, compares her brother to Keith Richards, and exports him to New Zealand to sort himself out.
Terry: do you really want to be one of those rock stars, who go ‘ra ra I’m so cool’, and no one has the guts to tell them it’s over?– Emma Thompson (Emma Thompson) to Terry (Mark Mitchinson)
Made with funding from NZ On Air
Music by The Claptons
'Panda' composed by Gustav Ejstes, and performed by Dungen
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