Acclaimed horror comedy Housebound follows a woman dealing with the triple threat of house arrest, potential ghosts, and having to live with her mother. Morgana O’Reilly (Mean Mums) is Kylie, a criminal doing eight months home detention with her anxious mum (Rima Te Wiata). Jaquie Brown Diaries director Gerard Johnstone’s debut movie won rave reviews. Variety praised its "super-smart plotting" and "near-flawless mix of laughs and scares". It was nominated for ten Moa awards, including Best Film and Director, and for both its lead actors. In this excerpt, Kylie displays her bad attitude, and hears some very strange noises.
Bloody brilliant.– Peter Jackson
Made in association with the NZ Film Commission's Escalator scheme
'Angel' composed by Alistair Riddell and performed by Space Waltz
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