Kete Aronui is a documentary series that features leading contemporary Māori artists. Screening on Māori Television, produced by KIWA Media, and funded through Te Māngai Pāho, its title translates as "basket of knowledge." Each episode provides a portrait: surveying the lives and practices of the artists, often with a focus on how they interact with their whanāu and community. The series surveys artists working in a diverse range of mediums, including dance, photography, theatre, film, poetry, music, tā moko, weaving, and sculpture.
Television, 2006 (Excerpts)
Television, 2007 (Excerpts)
Television, 2006 (Excerpts)
Television, 2007 (Excerpts)
Television, 2006 (Excerpts)
Television, 2007 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2007 (Excerpts)
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