Narrated by Robyn Jensen, this deeply personal documentary is a firsthand account of every parent's worst nightmare. The disappearance of 14-year-old Kirsa Jensen while riding her horse on a beach near Napier on 1 September 1983 baffled police. The case was hamstrung by a lack of evidence, and a key witness turned suspect who changed his story. Kirsa's fate became a national mystery. Her loss and the media attention it generated took a toll on Robyn Jensen's health, marriage and faith. Her motivation here is to celebrate her daughter, an avid animal lover who "was more than a tragedy; she was a very real person".
The day before a broken leg would have seemed like an absolute tragedy...but that night a broken leg seemed like a miracle, almost.– Robyn Jensen on hoping her daughter was merely hurt, the night she was reported missing
Made with funding from NZ On Air
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