In this short film, 14-year-old Jimmy (Waka Rowlands) faces a tough decision: stay in his abusive home to protect his younger siblings, or escape to start a new life of his own. Written and directed by Sam Kelly, Lambs was inspired by true stories. It competed at the 2012 Clermont-Ferrand and Berlin Film Festivals, and won the Jury Prize and Audience Award at the 2012 NZ Film Festival; judge Roger Donaldson raved: “It reminded me of Once Were Warriors in the best possible way.” Lambs was one of the first products of the NZ Film Commission’s ‘Fresh Shorts’ funding scheme.
They have really incredible stories about their own backgrounds. There's a lot of similarities in their stories often, coming from homes of abuse and neglect. I felt pretty disturbed at this, and felt like 'why is this still happening in our developed country?– Director Sam Kelly on the real-life inspirations for Lambs, in a Kapi-Mana News interview, 7 February 2012
Vocals performed by Rio Hunuki-Hemopo
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