In the debut episode of the world-conquering young inventors' series, Auckland schoolboy Adam Gaston has a design for rocket-powered ice skates. The resident Goober experts and guests (including Olympic speed skater Mark Jackson and rocket man Bruce Simpson) could be the ones to help him achieve his need for speed. Challenged to create skates that will outsprint Jackson, Adam and Build Buddy Sam Britten discover that rockets may be a step too far. Jet propulsion could be the solution — but will anyone be brave enough to test the results? The series sold to more than 140 countries.
Kids don't know what can't be done. Like great inventors, they don't even think about how things might not work. Kids just draw it and expect it to be real.– Let's Get Inventin' creator Luke Nola
Television Spaceman
Made with funding from NZ On Air
Music by Bonfire
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