June Miru's first child died soon after his birth in 1963. All four of her surviving daughters went on to give birth to sons with the same deformities, all of whom died soon after birth. Award-winning documentary Lifting of the Makutu explores the relationship between the Miru/Tito whanāu and Stephen Robertson, a paediatrician and geneticist who worked doggedly for seven years to give the family a scientific answer as to why seven baby boys died. June, along with daughters Phyllis, Karen, Shona and Noki-Jane discuss years of grief, and June's dread about a 'makutu' or Māori curse hanging over the whanāu.
...that's the challenge, finding a spelling mistake in a very thick book.– Dr Stephen Robertson describes the work of genetic investigation
Watershed Films
Watershed Films
Vocals by Anika Moa
Closing credits song 'Ka Whakahuia Ano' written and performed by Anika Moa
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