After years of protest, agitation, and court hearings, the Māori Television Service finally launched on 28 March 2004. This is the first 30 minutes that went to air. Presented by Julian Wilcox and Rongomaianiwaniwa Milroy, the transmission begins with a traditional montage of Aotearoa scenic wonder (with a twist of tangata whenua); the launch proper opens with a dawn ceremony at Māori Television's Newmarket offices, featuring MPs and other dignitaries. Wilcox also gives background information on the channel and outlines upcoming programming highlights.
E ngā iwi o te motu tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai ki te wā whakatihi nei e rewa ai tēnei puiaki hou o te ao Māori hei ngāhunga ma te ao whānui tonu. Ina, ko te ratonga Irirangi Whakaata Māori e whai teita nei kia tiaho mai I nga tonga rerewa kua roa e toto katia ana mai anoo mai anoo ā mohoa nei. Iaianei kua ea te awhero kua māpurapura ngā whatu kua areare ngā taringa no reira anei ahau mihi te rere arorangi nei.– Julian Wilcox introduces the channel
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