Anthology series Mataku featured Māori tales of the supernatural. In this episode Temuera Morrison introduces the story of sisters Nola and Naera, who are playing in the forest when Naera goes missing. Mysterious patupaiarehe (fairies) are implicated. Years later Nola (Mamaengaroa Pere, who won acclaim as Grace Heke in Once Were Warriors) is down on her luck when her sister reappears, no older than before. Māori artist Gordon Toi (aka Gordon Hatfield) plays a dodgy admirer, and Stephen Lovatt is the dodgy landlord. Carey Carter's script was inspired by two girls who went missing near Waikaremoana.
For safe passage through their domain, an offering was made for them.– One of the characters describes the patupaiarehe (fairies)
Made with funding from NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho, with support from the NZ Film Commission and TV3
Traditional Māori instruments performed by Hirini Melbourne
Nola's song 'For Eternity' written and composed by Kipa Royal, and sung by Taisha Khutze
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