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Profile image for MOHI


[Te Tai Tokerau, Tauranga Moana, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa]

Mohi Wati Te Rau Allen is the artist behind MOHI. The soulful singer-songwriter and guitar player is especially known for his waiatas (songs) in te reo Māori. Born and raised in West Auckland, Allen played in a reggae band in high school before establishing his solo artistry as MOHI. His debut EP Moments, featuring English and te reo tracks, won him the Most Promising Artist at the 2022 Waiata Māori Music Awards, and his debut album Elements of Aroha was also highly celebrated. Four singles from the album featured on the New Zealand singles chart, with love song 'Me Pēhea Rā' winning the APRA Maihona Award in 2024.