Neighbours at War was a popular and long-running TV2 reality show. In this opening episode from the show’s second series, an Otara fence is a battle line in a bitter territorial dispute between Lois and Alec. The mediator is Labour MP for Otara Ross Robertson, who draws on Winston Churchill, General Douglas MacArthur and aroha in an effort to broker peace — amidst allegations of rubbish and porn mags on one side, and swear words and brown eyes on the other. Narrator Bill Kerton’s puns and some choice sound effects punctuate the neighbourly nastiness.
Our advertisers and politicians might tell us otherwise, but to me this is the real New Zealand, and these the real New Zealanders. They’re prim and proper, lewd and crude, shocked and shocking. Most of all, they’re extremely steamed up about their bloody neighbours.– Duncan Greive, writing in The Spinoff, 1 October 2015, ahead of the show's final episode
Theme music by Liquid Studios
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