Feature film Savage follows the making of a gang leader as it examines three periods in his life, over a 30 year span. Olly Presling, first-time actor James Matamua and Australian Jake Ryan (TV series Wolf Creek) each play Danny — in his childhood, teenage and adult years respectively. Through a shifting timeline, Savage explores how Danny’s childhood in an abusive boy's home helps shape him into a ruthless gang member, alongside lifelong friend Moses (John Tui). Savage marks the feature debut of writer/director Sam Kelly (award-winning short Lambs), who is supported by producer Vicky Pope.
Shifting back and forth among three watershed moments in the protagonist’s life, Kelly draws an emotional road map detailing one man’s life and how he got from A to B ... [Director Sam] Kelly wisely makes Danny and Moses’ friendship and their growth (or not) the real story, and [Jake] Ryan and [John] Tui’s completely believable, naturalistic dynamic serves as the movie’s emotional anchor.– Reviewer Elizabeth Kerr in The Hollywood Reporter, 8 October 2019
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