It's nearly Christmas, a perfect time for a new Ferndale resident to make their arrival. In this excerpt from the long-running soap, paramedic Dallas (Cameron Jones) kicks his breakup blues by winning festive hunk of the year. Chris Warner is pining for his estranged wife Rachel McKenna (Angela Bloomfield) but she decides on a more casual fling with Garrett (Spencer Falls). In amidst the break-ups and hook ups Nicole Kruse-Miller (Sally Martin) goes into labour with excited partner Vinnie (Pua Magasiva) and Mum Leanne (Jennifer Ludlam) at her side. Joy turns to shock as post-birth complications kick in.
Yeah of course I'm sad...but when it's over, it's over.– Ula (Frankie Adams) opens up to Dallas (Cameron Jones) about her break up with Garrett (Spencer Falls)
Produced by South Pacific Pictures in association with FreMantle Australia
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