In this darkly comic action tale, gun lover Dorian (Jodie Rimmer from TV series The Strip) attempts to cook breakfast for her otherwise tied up partner (Levi Holley). But when she cracks an egg, something strange happens. Not only did Joe Hitchcock write and direct Stick to Your Gun, he spent weeks working on its stop-motion animation (there is a short behind the scenes film at the end). Stick to Your Gun was shot in a Pukekohe house that appears to get steadily wrecked as Dorian hunts down her prey. It travelled to more than a dozen festivals, after debuting at the Palm Springs International ShortFest.
A woman who's a bit gun crazy tries to rectify a situation that she thinks has gone bad, and it just escalates.– Producer Morgan Leigh Stewart describes Stick to Your Gun, in the behind the scenes video
Made in association with the NZ Film Commission
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