This award-winning ensemble drama follows the interconnecting lives of eight 20-something Wellingtonians — one of them dead — as they search for happiness. In this eleventh episode (out of 13), high-flying TV presenter Lindy (Sally Stockwell) accepts a job in Toronto, without telling her boyfriend (Ben Barrington); James (Will Hall) learns about chaos theory, and tries to find the courage to ask someone on a date; and hairdresser Sam (Madeleine Sami) asks Matthew's dad whether a non-Samoan might be allowed to go out with him. The series won seven NZ Screen Awards, including Best Drama.
The Insiders Guide is one of those rare dramas where the writing is allowed to shine; as impressive as any performance, as noteworthy as any fancy camerawork.– Writer Megan Nicol Reed in The Sunday Star-Times, 9 May 2004, page 29
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