In this award-winning children's adventure created by Ian Mune, Tony (Ian Templeton) and Suey (Julie Wilson) spend time on their uncle's farm and become country kids — riding horses to school and getting stick from mouthy classmate Harvey (Buddy Ruruku). The trio are fascinated by local drifter 'Rotten' Fred, whose dog Ratsguts is rumoured to be a sheep killer. They form the Mad Dog gang, uncovering Fred's history and protecting him from vindictive farmer Wilkie (John Bach). Directed by Ross Jennings, this telemovie combines three half-hour episodes. It was named Best Drama at the 1979 Feltex Television Awards.
I got him on board with a TV series I was working on: The Mad Dog Gang Meets Rotten Fred and Ratsguts. It was Arthur who came up with two new and important characters: a ewe named Mrs Woolworth and her lamb, Gladwrap. The name comes from the city kids seeing the birth and their awe at the shiny coat the lamb arrives in.– Writer Ian Mune on Arthur Baysting's input into the second Mad Dog instalment, The Mad Dog Gang Spooks Wilkie, Wink Wink and the Wobbler, Audioculture, 30 September 2019
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