This 1978 National Film Unit documentary chronicles the daily lives of New Zealanders in various places: factory, beach, hospital, oil rig, country town, sheep farm, market garden, Auckland produce market, art gallery and primary school. Narration-free, the film features montages of stills by photographer Ans Westra. The impression is of New Zealand as a busy nation of makers and growers, alongside singing ‘Oma Rapiti’ at the bach and visiting the art gallery. Terry towelling, walk shorts, and denim shirts are date stamps. The script is by onetime Variety film reviewer Mike Nicolaidi.
Right everyone. Looking this way — keep still.– School teacher taking a photograph of her class
NZ On Screen acknowledges Ans Westra and {Suite} gallery for permission to reuse stills featured in this programme on this website.
Soundtrack by Aerial Railway
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