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Hero image for The Stolen

The Stolen

Film (Trailer) – 2017

The Stolen follows English migrant Charlotte Lockton (Alice Eve, from Star Trek: Into Darkness) as she sets out to track down her kidnapped baby in gold rush era 1860s New Zealand. En route she meets gamblers, hustlers, prostitutes and Māori warriors. Bringing the era to life are Scotsman Graham McTavish (The Hobbit), Brit James Davenport (as the romantic interest), Rocky Horror Show creator Richard O’Brien, Cohen Holloway and singer Stan Walker. Produced and originated by London-based Kiwi Emily Corcoran, the film was directed by Brit Niall Johnson (comedy Keeping Mum).  

New Zealand was the first place to give women the vote and when you look at this period you can see why. They were really very liberated. The prostitutes were kind of running the show. They were so sought after and could pretty much do what they liked.
– Writer/producer Emily Corcoran, in an interview with Philip Matthews, Stuff, 10 May 2016

Key Cast & Crew

Generic Profile image for Niall Johnson

Niall Johnson

Director, Co-Writer

Profile image for Emily Corcoran

Emily Corcoran

Original Story, As: Honey, Producer, Writer

Profile image for Cohen Holloway

Cohen Holloway

As: Hunter

Generic Profile image for Stan Walker

Stan Walker

As: Matai

Profile image for Richard O'Brien

Richard O'Brien

As: Mr Russell

Generic Profile image for Lukas Hinch

Lukas Hinch

As: David Lockton

See all 35 credits

Produced by

Cork Films


Cork Films