This is the first four minute episode of the late-night TV3 micro-series, written and directed by Harry Sinclair. As wannabe air hostess Liz (Danielle Cormack) and her aspiring scriptwriter boyfriend Ant (Ian Hughes) are getting ready for a night-out, the hapless Ant seems oblivious to the fact that he’s wearing out his welcome — and the hairbrush remedy for his 'itchy mouth' does little to heighten his allure. Meanwhile, Neil (Joel Tobeck) ponders one of the great male mysteries. The soundtrack is 'Into You', courtesy of Flying Nun act The JPS Experience.
They had guys ringing in complaining that they had stayed up late and didn't see any topless women and that they had wasted their evening.– Director Harry Sinclair on first night feedback
John Swimmer Productions
Made with funding from NZ On Air
Features song 'Into You', by JPS Experience
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