In the late 1990s Kiwi treasures The Topp Twins created their own TV series. Over three seasons, it showcased their iconic cast of Kiwi characters, as well as their singing and yodelling talents. This excerpt from the second season sees Camp Mother and her longtime admirer Ken Moller (both played by Lynda Topp) facing off behind the wheel at Western Springs Speedway. Camp Mother drives a pint-sized Fiat Bambina, while Ken crunches the gears of a Hillman Hunter. Afterwards the Topps perform a musical tribute to the Bambina, while each taking on multiple characters.
You're a menace on the road!– Camp Mother (Lynda Topp) critiques the driving of Ken Moller (also played by Lynda Topp)
Oceania Productions
Made with funding from NZ On Air
'Bambina' written and performed by The Topp Twins
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