Nightly magazine-style show Town and Around played on New Zealand screens during the second half of the 60s. Hosted by Peter Read, this end-of-1968 special from the Wellington edition showcases highlights from over 500 items that year. The concentration is on lighter material, most famously a hoax piece on a farmer who puts gumboots on his turkeys. In another piece reporter John Shrapnell discovers that locked cars in the city tend to be the exception. Also featured: an interview with entertainer Rolf Harris, and an impromptu Kiwi street-Hamlet.
An effort is being made to control the flow of pedestrians at intersections in the same way that traffic is controlled. But in spite of these controls aimed at keeping the life of the pedestrian, the pedestrians aren't following the rules. In fact right now the Wellington Traffic Department has something like forty prosecutions pending for jaywalking.– Reporter
NZ Broadcasting Corporation
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