In this short excerpt from episode one of Waiata Anthems, singer Hollie Smith expresses mixed feelings about rerecording classic track 'Bathe in the River'/'Kōrukutia' in te reo Māori. Smith's respect for the language means she approaches her performance with a certain amount of fear — but she is determined to support the kaupapa (values) of the project, and champion te reo in popular culture. The song's composer Don McGlashan joins Smith to sing backup on the track, which was part of the second Waiata Anthems album. The web series was co-produced by Māori music advocate Hinewehi Mohi and director Julia Parnell.
I'm scared to speak Māori in a way ... I'm doing this project because I want to be braver.– Singer and songwriter Hollie Smith on performing 'Bathe in the River' in te reo Māori
Raukatauri Productions
Raukatauri Productions
Made with the support of Te Māngai Pāho
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