This debut episode of a not completely fictional series follows Wayne Anderson, “Manurewa’s greatest singer”, and his attempts to break out of the rest home circuit and find fame and fortune. Wayne dreams of taking the evergreen music of his idols Engelbert and Elvis to the world. But even his manager’s show business links — he works in a video store — aren’t bringing in the 50 dollar gig needed each week. Things may be looking up with the best perm Wayne’s ever had, plus an audition in a Karangahape Road bar. As a non-driver, he will have to get there by bus.
Every time I open my mouth, people come up to me and say, "What a wonderful voice you've got. Why don't we see you on stage? Why aren't you in Las Vegas? Why don't you make records?" And I'm still baffled to this day as to why it hasn't happened.– Wayne Anderson
Buto Productions
Buto Productions
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