Homegrown Profiles: Shihad

Television (Full Length) – 2005

I remember writing The General Electric, the song, and thinking this doesn't sound like anybody but it's hard rock and it's metal and it's all the things I like about being in this band.
– Jon Toogood
I think the universe has its ways of keeping things in its balance and I think we'd needed a slap for a little while [...] Instead of giving us a slap, the universe, it basically got a hammer and just smashed us.
– Jon Toogood, on trying to break into the US, and changing the band's name to Pacfier
At the time I remember it not being taken so well by our old fans. We tend to have that effect on people every time we release a record though.
– Jon Toogood on the release of Shihad's debut album Churn