This 1967 documentary offers a rare behind the scenes glimpse into the early days of Kiwi television, as a group of actors learn firsthand how the new medium differs from the stage. The actors' workshops were held in three cities as part of a push to create more local drama. After NZ Broadcasting Corporation producer Brian Bell introduces the actors to the camera, they try out some scenes. Five TV plays emerged, and two are seen getting made: The Tired Man, featuring Grant Tilly and Ray Henwood, and acclaimed Christchurch-shot drama Game for Five Players.'s not our intention to teach you how to act's our hope to give you some idea of what this monster is all about; to give you a sort of feeling, a taste, of the problems and difficulties of television, in the hope of overcoming the first qualms and fears that a medium like this is liable to raise when it's approached for the first time.– Producer Brian Bell to a group of Wellington actors
NZ Broadcasting Corporation
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