This episode of the legendary professional wrestling series screened in March 1981. Barry Holland and the late Steve Rickard host (Ernie Leonard has moved behind the scenes into a producer role). Rickard welcomes locals and viewers from Kenya, Hong Kong and Malaysia. On the Mat mainstay Mark Lewin features prominently, appearing in tag action before reminiscing about a fiery battle with King Curtis in Japan. Things don't improve as he's attacked by the Voodoo-crazed Big Mullumba. The main event sees local star Johnny Garcia and Samoan Joe battling it out.
This time in Tokyo two weeks ago, that's when you really got me. That's when you shot the fire at me. You used your power, but there's no power like the power of having friends and thank God I have the friends here.– Mark Lewin, recounting a battle with 'The Sheikh'
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