The thing that motivated me to get into pirate radio more than anything else was the distaste I had for horse racing ...– David Gapes, Radio Hauraki director
It wasn't only the music that was rocking and rolling. It was the boat as well!– DJ Bob Leahy recalls the challenges of broadcasting from sea
This is Radio Hauraki: home of the young New Zealanders! Radio riding on the crest of a wave ...– A promo for Radio Hauraki
You’re listening to Radio Hauraki, Top of the dial, and we’re broadcasting a test transmission on 1480.– The first transmission of Radio Hauraki, on 1 December 1966
Hauraki’s story brought vividly to life ...– A Listener review of this documentary
I can recall the station that I was on, in the early to mid 60s ... there were times we weren't even allowed to play the Beatles! The Beatles were number one around the world!– Ian Magan recalls the type of radio Radio Hauraki was battling
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