This NZ Music Month collection showcases music television...
Press play on NZ On Screen's biggest collection yet. From...
The counterculture, the mud, the hangovers – and the...
A RWP special on the original Sweetwaters Festival
Kate Elliott plays a teenager exploring boundaries
Some Dickheads at an earlier Sweetwaters
A music festival from the same era
A 1970s style music festival
Documentary about culture-crossing Iranian music festival
Attendee Kate Elliot acted in this series
A 1970 rock festival
Another Shirley Horrocks documentary
The biggest Polynesian festival in the world
Another Shirley Horrocks documentary
Starring Kate Elliott
Another iconic New Year's music festival
Jane Yee checks out Splore
Te Radar experiences music festival The Gathering
An ill-fated Kiwi music festival
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