Part one of five from this full length television programme.
Part two of five from this full length television programme.
Part three of five from this full length television programme.
Part four of five from this full length television programme.
Part five of five from this full length television programme.
The credits for this full length television programme. was still advertising that was both the sketchpad and the natural bedrock of the new generation of 3D animators.– The blue pencil narrator
You can't predict what the Massive agents are going to do. You can control them to some extent, but much as in a real crowd, you don't know exactly what every single person is going to do in every detail's very similar to using a real crowd.– Stephen Regelous on his artificially intelligent crowd software, Massive
...that's the thing that's been the biggest inspiration to me working in this industry so far; trying to do things that the software isn't capable of. Especially these days, when the software's capable of everything.– Computer animator John Sheils
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