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Hero image for Artists Prepare: Chris Cree Brown - Electronic Composer

Artists Prepare: Chris Cree Brown - Electronic Composer

Television (Full Length) – 1980

As far as my background is concerned, I learnt the piano and the violin like a lot of people do. And I still like Bach and Beethoven and Brahms and all the other composers. I still get a lot out of listening to them. But my view on that is that although Bach is very nice and superb music — it's history. 

– Chris Cree Brown at the start of this documentary
My type of music doesn't involve melodies and tonal implications like the music of the past does. It's more the timbre of sounds. It's really just basically the sounds which I find interesting, and I make it music by organising those sounds in a set pattern.
– Chris Cree Brown explains his avant-garde electronic music style, early in this documentary
The only way that a composer can really get to the grips of things is by trying things out, over and over again.
– Chris Cree Brown on being a composer
It is a very very satisfying feeling to see a piece go from its initial thought to the consolidation of a thought to experimenting, until finally the piece is there. And I've done the piece all by myself, and it's in performance. It's a very good feeling.
– Chris Cree Brown recalls the joy of composing music
I think the rest is up to the people who listen to it. To listen to it in the right way, and not be affronted by a whole lot of weird sounds, but rather listen to it in a receptive way, and looking for what is trying to be put across.
– Chris Cree Brown on how listeners should approach his compositions
...there were a couple of others who said “will it ever be over Radio Avon? Do you ever envisage your music on Radio Avon?” And I suppose the answer is really no. I mean I can’t see my type of music going on Radio Avon or any other radio really, because it's inaccessible.
– Chris Cree Brown on talking with a group of people about his music