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Hero image for Asia Downunder - Heart Operations in Fiji

Asia Downunder - Heart Operations in Fiji

Television (Full Length) – 2006

Bit scared. But I think I can manage, because I’ve been praying and meditating and I know that the Lord will help me to go through this.    
– Fijian local Ana Qimanavanua on her upcoming cardiac surgery, at the start of this episode
From my recent visits I have noticed a slight deterioration in the medical facilities and the system. . . . They’re barely managing to perform simple operations and take care of simple medical conditions. I think cardiac surgery is by far out of their reach.
– Cardiac surgeon Parma Nand describes Fiji’s health system
Unfortunately talking to the patients that I have seen here today there are very few who have any funding options: very few patients have insurance, very few have family money. I understand there is some funding from the Fijian government to send people abroad...
– Kiwi cardiologist Andrew Kerr on the large number of needy patients in Fiji
I’m afraid, yet I’m happy that now I’ll be okay.
– Young patient Rojni Devi Navi awaits heart surgery organised by the Friends of Fiji Foundation
This VAT is immoral & insensitive
– A protest sign addressing hikes in taxes in Fiji, in the third clip
A week after shooting this documentary, the military sacked the government.
– Closing credit note