Ice TV was a popular 1990s youth show hosted by Petra Bagust, Jon Bridges and Nathan Rarere. This 1998 'best of' includes a 20/20 satire (a world's biggest bonsai trees scam); Bagust meets singer and actor Meatloaf; Bridges meets brother band Hanson, visits the man who 'names cyclones', and goes to Outward Bound; Rarere samples Elvis's deep fried peanut butter and bacon sandwich. Plus the trio visit the zoo and gym to discover why humans are the "sexiest primates alive". Rarere also gives a valuable lesson in flirtatious eye contact. Included is the show's trademark sign-off: L&P bottles subjected to various stresses.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it, who hits the jackpot?– Presenter Nathan Rarere
Made with funding from NZ On Air
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