This was a series of stand-alone documentaries that...
Sir Howard Morrison was a Kiwi show business icon. This...
The first feature co-directed by John O’Shea
Opening clip from John O'Shea's second movie Runaway
Directed by John O'Shea
John O'Shea produced this classic documentary series
Documentary on John O'Shea's colleague Barry Barclay
A beloved movie from Pacific Films
A report on the premiere of Pacific Films' movie Ngāti
Another biographical documentary by Bryan Bruce
More on the 1970s renaissance of Kiwi filmmaking
Documentary about John O'Shea's movie Runaway
Interview with Runaway star Colin Broadley
John O'Shea's final feature as producer
More filmmaking tales
Documentary on pioneering Kiwi movie actor Nola Luxford
Documentary on pioneering Kiwi actor Nola Luxford
Another film about films
A rugby film directed by John O'Shea
John O'Shea is interviewed in this
A forgotten Kiwi film pioneer
A documentary on the history of New Zealand cinema
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