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Breaking Silence - Series One

Web (Full Length Episodes) – 2020

Episode One - Simonne
Presenter Simonne Butler shares her story of survival and hope after surviving a brutal, high profile attack from an ex-partner. Butler recalls the behaviour leading up to the attack, and how abuse isn't just physical. She discusses her long journey of healing and her work with the NZ Police, educating officers about domestic abuse from a victim's perspective.

Episode Two - David
David White's daughter Helen died at the hands of her abusive partner. White discusses his ongoing grief at losing Helen in such a violent way, and how his speaking tours about non-violence and recognising signs of abuse help him heal. White corrects some common myths about domestic violence.

Episode Three - Shonni
Presenter Simonne Butler meets Aucklander Shonni at the Diamonds in the Ring gym. Shonni shares her story of severe domestic abuse and explains how boxing training helps her feel strong and shed the "victim" mindset. Butler discusses the kaupapa of Diamonds in the Ring with gym manager and former boxing champion Daniella Smith, herself an abuse survivor.

Episode Four - Jeremy
Presenter Simonne Butler meets Jeremy Eparaima, a former domestic abuser who now tutors men seeking help for their violence. Jeremy remembers his pattern of psychological and physical abuse, and how "resigned" he was to being alone and angry in his old age. Attending a mens' group helped Jeremy "open his eyes" to his history and locate where it came from  the abuse he suffered as a child and at boarding school.

Episode Five - Shakti New Zealand founder Farida
Simonne Butler meets Farida Sultana, who founded the first New Zealand Shakti Women's Refuge branch for Asian, African and Middle Eastern women. Sultana talks about the extra challenges involved in helping abuse victims for whom English is a second language, who face strong cultural pressure to stay in relationships. Sultana and her colleagues mourn the murder of one of their clients.

Episode Six - Sarah
Sarah's story is voiced by an actor. Sarah discusses an insidious form of violence; financial abuse and control. Sarah was once a high earner, but once she had children her partner slowly took over all finances so much that she and her children were made homeless. Sarah talks about the moment she reached out for outside help, and how Women's Refuge helped her and her children start a new life by themselves.

Episode Seven - Woven Earth and its founder Kerryn
Simonne Butler meets Kerryn from Woven Earth, a charity that collects household items, furniture and children's toys for women and their families to set up home again after leaving Women's Refuge. Kerryn shares her own story of surviving abuse, and how it inspired her to try and help other women start again in a new home after fleeing violent partners.

Episode Eight - Ace
Domestic abuse and violence in Samoan and Polynesian households often stays in the shadows due to strong cultural traditions. Butler meets Ace, a Samoan Dad whose abuse deeply affected his son. After healing their family, Ace's whānau wanted to help their community speak up and address abuse. Their homemade 'Say Something' video campaign made for their church has reached their wider community. Butler also talks to Fijian-born psychotherapist Cabrini Makasiale.